RUSA Winter Symposium

When and Where

Friday, December 02, 2022 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
JHB 235
Jackman Humanities Building


Katarina Pejovic (PhD Student, Department for the Study of Religion)
Mahshid Zandi (PhD Candidate, Department for the Study of Religion)


Presented by the Religion Undergraduate Student Association

An opportunity for undergraduates to listen to some fascinating talks about such diverse topics as magic, western esotericism, and the Iran-Iraq war and to hang out before it's time to hunker down for exams! There will be bubble tea and pizza to enjoy as well.

Beyond being a great way to learn about interesting topics being researched in the Department for the Study of Religion, these presentations are a valuable example for undergraduate students who may wish to present their own research at the Undergraduate Research Conference next semester. 

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Religion Undergraduate Student Association
