Publications from July 2023 onward, including books and articles, as well as podcasts and media coverage of faculty research.
John Kloppenborg co-edited (with Peter Arzt-Grabner and Christina M. Kreinecker) the book More Light from the Ancient East: Understanding the New Testament through Papyri. Published by Brill in November 2023, it is is part of the series, ‘Papyri and the New Testament.’
Postdoctoral fellow Maxwell Kennel's book, Ontologies of Violence: Deconstruction, Pacifism, and Displacement, was published by Brill in July 2023. → Learn more in this Q&A with Max that takes a fascinating dive into the ways we think about violence
DSR affiliate faculty Anver Emon's recent book, Systemic Islamophobia in Canada: A Research Agenda, features 17 short essays by observers from a wide range of disciplines. The contributors include (at least) two DSR PhD alumni, Syed Adnan Hussain (PhD, 2015) and Youcef Soufi (PhD, 2017). You can learn more about the book in this Faculty of Arts & Science news article.
In November 2023, Baker Academic published affiliate faculty member Ann Jervis's book, Paul and Time: Life in the Temporality of Christ.
Articles • Reviews • Sound • Vision (alphabetical by author/lead)
PhD candidate Filip Andjelkovic’s article “Haunted Houses, Haunted Minds: Psychical Research, Psychoanalysis, and the Philip Experiment” appeared in Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2023.
In November Ronald Charles' chapter, “Decolonizing the Bible as Literature,” was published Decolonizing the English Literary Curriculum, edited by Ato Quayson and Ankhi Mukherjee (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 315-330. (In related activity, in August he participated in an event on “Decolonizing the Bible” and the video is available to view online. The event was part of the Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice’s Black August Week 2023.) November also saw the publication of Charles' review article, "Coloniality, reframing and diversity in New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures," published in Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 52.4 (2023): 510-513.
Simon Coleman and former DSR postdoctoral fellow (2017-19) Evgenia Mesaritou co-authored Sacred Saliences?: Afterlives of Archaeology in the Restoration of Medieval Shrines,” published in Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts & Rituals 1(1):106–127.
"Pilgrimage in Pre-Islamic Arabia: Continuity and Rupture from Epigraphic Texts to the Qur’an," by Suleyman Dost, appeared in Millennium, vol. 20, no. 1, 2023, pp. 15-32.
Isaiah Ellis, postdoctoral fellow, published "Infrastructure and American Religions: Sites, Methods, and Theories for a Changing Field," in Religion Compass, 17, no. 8. .
PhD student Grace Feeney's piece, “Chronic Pain and Gendered Justice,” was published in the late summer on the AIMA blog.
Alexander Hampton's chapter, “Rhythm and Poetic Mysticism in the Laude of Iacopone Da Todi,” was published in Iacopone da Todi: The Power of Mysticism and the Originality of Franciscan Poetry, a volume in the Brill Medieval Franciscans series.
Postdoctoral fellow Michael Ium and PhD alumnus Tony Scott (now postdoctoral fellow in Political Science) have published their first co-edited issue of the Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, Issue No. 18, dedicated to Buddhism in relation to transhumanism and posthumanism.
John Kloppenborg published “Argumentum e Silentio: Four Silences.” Annali di storia dell’esegesi 40, no. 1 (2023): 39–51.
Jeremy Schipper's essay, "'If the Scriptures are True’: Thomas Clarkson on Noah’s Curse,” appeared in Guide Me into Your Truth: Essays in Honor of Dennis T. Olson. Edited by Rolf A. Jacobson, Jacqueline E. Lapsley, and Kristin J. Wendland. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publication, 2023.
J. Barton Scott's Journal of the American Academy of Religion article, "Insulting Religion: Penal Secularism and the Government of Feeling," was published in December 2023.
The October issue of the Journal of Religion and Film’s Toronto International Film Festival section featured (multiple) pieces by J. Barton Scott, Ken Derry, PhD candidate Katie Maguire and alumna (PhD, 2022) Khalidah Ali.
PhD student Ridhima Sharma's article "An otherwise classroom and a diagnosis, or, the preciousness of a pause" appeared in PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review.